A Fridge Magnet

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This is the implementation of the idea to create an electronic fridge magnet.

What is that?

  • It is a battery operated Display
  • A radio wireless connection provides the contents to show

It can be used as a "Internet of Things" implementation of a fridge magnet to show important or interesting information for the family, but can be used as a price/special offer label on the front side of shop shelves.

Here is a picture of the prototype to whet your appetite:


The components used in this prototype are:


The total cost for a unit is around 70 euros (plus shipping costs from several suppliers etc).

The following parts are needed to upload the software and to send the images to our display (or to several displays):

RAM and wiring card


This card is the only hardware part than needs to be soldered. The current version, as shown in the picture here above, uses a JeeLabs proto board and insulated copper wired.

Here is the table of the connections:

Display     Signal     Connected to:         AtMega pin:        Equivalent
Connector              (JeeNode)                                "Arduino pin#"

1           GND        GND(pin 3 any P port)   GND              GND
2           3.3V       +3V(pin 4 any P port)  +3.3V             +3.3V
3           SCLK       SCK(pin 3 SPI/ISP)      SCLK/PB5 pin 19  13
4           MOSI       MOSI(pin 4 SPI/ISP)     MOSI/PB3 pin 17  11
5           MISO       MISO(pin 1 SPI/ISP)     MISO/PB4 pin 18  12
6           SSEL                               PB0 pin 14       8
7           Busy                               PD7 pin 13       7
8           BorderCtl                          PD3 pin 5        3
9           SCL        SCL(pin 5 PWR/SEL/I2C)  SCL/PC5 pin 28   A6
10          SDA        SDA(pin 4 PWR/SEL/I2C)  SDA/PC4 pin 27   A5
11          PWM