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Riga 2: Riga 2:
== rabbitmq-server ==
== rabbitmq-server ==
* è necessario installare due pacchetti
python-pika per i client
rabbitmq-server per il server
* attivazione server e plugin
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
service rabbitmq-server restart
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel_management
* cambio password amministrazione:
rabbitmqctl change_password guest 123456
* verifica risoluzione nome; nel caso fare:
The next thing to do is add the hostname’s short names in
your /etc/hosts file. Why? Because RabbitMQ does not like FQDN
(Attempting to do this will result in the following error: ** System NOT
running to use fully qualified hostnames **).
* gestione porta TCP
la porta dedicata a AMQP è la 5672
grantire l'accesso dove e come necessario
* gestione porta interfaccia grafica management
The web UI is located at: http://server-name:15672/         
on a fresh installation the user "guest" is created with password
"guest", ma noi la password l'abbiamo cambiata.
attenzione ci si collega di default solo da localhost
se non va bene bisogna cambiare la conf di loopback_users in
%% Uncomment the following line if you want to allow access to the
%% guest user from anywhere on the network.
%% {loopback_users, []},
* tuning
ecco solo alcuni suggerimenti:
file rabbitmq.config
Disk free space limit of the
partition on which RabbitMQ is
storing data. When available disk
space falls below this limit, flow
control is triggered. The value may
be set relative to the total amount
of RAM (e.g. {mem_relative, 1.0}).
The value may also be set to an
integer number of bytes. By default
free disk space must exceed 50MB.
See the memory-based flow control
Default: 50000000
=== rabbitmq_auth_backend_http ===
=== rabbitmq_auth_backend_http ===

Versione delle 11:06, 19 mag 2015



  • è necessario installare due pacchetti

python-pika per i client rabbitmq-server per il server

  • attivazione server e plugin
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
service rabbitmq-server restart
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel_management
  • cambio password amministrazione:

rabbitmqctl change_password guest 123456

  • verifica risoluzione nome; nel caso fare:

The next thing to do is add the hostname’s short names in your /etc/hosts file. Why? Because RabbitMQ does not like FQDN (Attempting to do this will result in the following error: ** System NOT running to use fully qualified hostnames **).

  • gestione porta TCP

la porta dedicata a AMQP è la 5672 grantire l'accesso dove e come necessario

  • gestione porta interfaccia grafica management

The web UI is located at: http://server-name:15672/ on a fresh installation the user "guest" is created with password "guest", ma noi la password l'abbiamo cambiata. attenzione ci si collega di default solo da localhost se non va bene bisogna cambiare la conf di loopback_users in rabbitmq.config

%% Uncomment the following line if you want to allow access to the
%% guest user from anywhere on the network.
%% {loopback_users, []},
  • tuning

ecco solo alcuni suggerimenti: file rabbitmq.config


Disk free space limit of the partition on which RabbitMQ is storing data. When available disk space falls below this limit, flow control is triggered. The value may be set relative to the total amount of RAM (e.g. {mem_relative, 1.0}). The value may also be set to an integer number of bytes. By default free disk space must exceed 50MB. See the memory-based flow control documentation.

Default: 50000000


fare riferimento a https://github.com/simonmacmullen/rabbitmq-auth-backend-http

Sacricare il plugin da qui http://www.rabbitmq.com/community-plugins.html e metterlo in:


attivarlo con:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_auth_backend_http

aggiungere in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config

 {rabbit, [{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_http]}]},
  [{user_path,     "http://localhost:8000/auth/user"},
   {vhost_path,    "http://localhost:8000/auth/vhost"},
   {resource_path, "http://localhost:8000/auth/resource"}]}

service rabbitmq-server restart

showel configuration

in /etc/sudoers.d/rmap

Defaults:rmap !requiretty
rmap ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/rabbitmqctl




Riferirsi a: https://github.com/jpmens/mosquitto-auth-plug

copiare i sorgenti in locale

creare config.mk come segue:

# Select your backends from this list

# Specify the path to the Mosquitto sources here

# Specify the path the OpenSSL here


mkdir /var/lib/mosquitto/plugins
cp auth-plug.so /var/lib/mosquitto/plugins/

creare il file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/rmap.conf

auth_plugin /var/lib/mosquitto/plugins/auth-plug.so
auth_opt_backends http
auth_opt_http_hostname localhost
auth_opt_http_port 80
auth_opt_http_getuser_uri /auth/auth
auth_opt_http_superuser_uri /auth/superuser
auth_opt_http_aclcheck_uri /auth/acl

restart server:

service mosquitto restart

server ports

* 22         ssh
* 80         webserver
* 443        monit web server
* 1883 8883  MQTT
* 5672       amqp
* 2003       carbon-cache
* 5925       borinud
* 15672      rabbitmq_management
* 8090       arkimet

graphite Fedora 20 fast start

yum install graphite-web python-carbon

python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphite/manage.py syncdb

service carbon-cache start

python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphite/manage.py runserver

python /usr/share/doc/graphite-web/example-client.py


Start and test graphite interface

Start mqtt2graphite and view the graphite graphs on http://server_ip/

mqtt2graphited run

2014-07-08 23:28:08,051 Starting MQTT2Graphite_5966-localhost.localdomain

2014-07-08 23:28:08,055 INFO MODE
2014-07-08 23:28:08,084 DEBUG MODE
2014-07-08 23:28:08,213 Connected to broker at localhost as MQTT2Graphite_5966-localhost.localdomain
2014-07-08 23:28:08,253 Subscribing to topic meteo/#
2014-07-08 23:28:08,312 pubblish {'carbon_port': 2003, 'map': {'meteo/#': ('j', None)}, 'sock': <socket._socketobject object at 0xb6a9e9d0>, 'carbon_server': ''} with id 1
2014-07-08 23:28:08,363 Subscribed: 2 (0,)
2014-07-08 23:28:08,409 CARBONKEY is [meteo.-.1012345_4412345.generic.-_-_-.-_-_-_-.B07030]
2014-07-08 23:28:09,834 meteo.-.1012345_4412345.generic.-_-_-.-_-_-_-.B07030.v 400.000000 1404854888
2014-07-08 23:28:09,863 CARBONKEY is [meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.-_-_-.-_-_-_-.B07030]
2014-07-08 23:28:09,926 meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.-_-_-.-_-_-_-.B07030.v 400.000000 1404854889
2014-07-08 23:28:11,133 CARBONKEY is [meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101]
2014-07-08 23:28:11,155 meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101.v 30115.000000 1404854891
2014-07-08 23:28:16,687 CARBONKEY is [meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101]
2014-07-08 23:28:16,733 meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101.v 30121.000000 1404854896
2014-07-08 23:28:24,895 CARBONKEY is [meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101]
2014-07-08 23:28:24,933 meteo.-.1137637_4449216.generic.254_0_0.103_3000_-_-.B12101.v 30121.000000 1404854904