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(Creata pagina con '== Circuit schematics == 450px List of materials: * an antenna (there are many 125khz antennas on e-bay) * Capacitor 1nF (maybe this valu...')
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Versione delle 17:52, 7 apr 2019

Circuit schematics


List of materials:

  • an antenna (there are many 125khz antennas on e-bay)
  • Capacitor 1nF (maybe this value must be tuned for the best resonance of the antenna)
  • 4 diodes 1N4148
  • Resistor 100Kohm
  • zener diode 5.1v



Connect the two terminals of the circuit to GND and pin 12.

Compile and Load the code herebelow.

Open a serial terminal (9600 bit/s), e.g.

   screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600

Type in 10 hexadecimal digits (characters are not echoed). (the code computes all the parity bits, both horizontal and vertical).


#define coil_pin 12

char data[10];
int data_count =0;

int spoofed_card[64] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; //header

void setup()
        pinMode(coil_pin, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(coil_pin, LOW);

void loop()
                char key = Serial.read();
                if(key != '\0') {
                        data[data_count] = key;
                        if(data_count == 9){
                                data_count = 0;
                                data_count ++;

void compute_data(){
        // Compute raw data
        int data_iterator;
        int bit;
        int bit_set;
        for(bit = 0, data_iterator = 0; bit < 59; bit += 5, data_iterator++){
                int raw_data = HexToDec(data[data_iterator]);
                spoofed_card[bit+9] = !! (raw_data & 8);
                spoofed_card[bit+10] = !! (raw_data & 4);
                spoofed_card[bit+11] = !! (raw_data & 2);
                spoofed_card[bit+12] = !! (raw_data & 1);

        int i = 8;
        // CRC ROW
        for(int c = 3; c < 13; c++){
                bit_set = 0;
                for(i++; i < ((c * 5) - 2); i++)
                        if(spoofed_card[i]) bit_set++;
                spoofed_card[(c * 5)-2] = ((bit_set % 2) != 0);

        // CRC COL
        for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++){
                bit_set = 0;
                for(int a = 9; a < 55; a += 5){
                        if(spoofed_card[a + c]) bit_set++;
                spoofed_card[c + 59] = ((bit_set % 2) != 0);

void spoofcard(){
        for(int h = 0; h < 50; h++)

void send_manchester(int clock_half, int signal)
        int man_encoded = clock_half ^ signal;

        if(man_encoded == 1)
                digitalWrite(coil_pin, LOW);
                digitalWrite(coil_pin, HIGH);

void spoofnow(){
        for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                send_manchester(0, spoofed_card[i]);
                send_manchester(1, spoofed_card[i]);

int HexToDec(char hexa)
        if (hexa >= '0' && hexa <= '9')
                return hexa - '0';
        else if (hexa >= 'A' && hexa <= 'F')
                return hexa - 'A' + 10;
        else if (hexa >= 'a' && hexa <= 'f')
                return hexa - 'a' + 10;
                return 0;